Montag, 14. März 2011

Color Game

In the novel “the war between the classes” takes the “color game” place. In the following I will explain, what it is, what the idea behind is how it works.

There are four colors in the game. Orange, light green, dark green and blue. In that order they stands for the classes, the worst first. Besides the Colors, there are the G4s. They are a kind of a police. They check, if the players wears their armbands, which show the colors an if they behave how they should.
If they don't do, the G4s go to the teacher, Mr. Otero, and tells him who did what, so he can punish these people.
There is a special kind of money in then game. The Blues gets the most in the beginning, the Oranges less.
In the beginning of the game, Mr. Otero has cheated. These people, who re in real life rich, become an orange ore a light green, and these who have an other nationality or is very poor, become a Blue or a Dark green.
So the “Good” classes become the bad and the other way round.
The teacher wants to show the pupils, how it feels, to be the other class. It is such an other all day life.
The Blues plays the Game, how it should, because they like the power. But the Oranges and light greens, want to shut the game down.
This is how real life. The minorities don't want to life in that class life. They want that everyone is equal. And the Blues, so the upper classes, want the life how it is. In the Game it is just the same. The Blues have everything, and want to keep it and the Oranges don't have anything an want to change everything.

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