Montag, 21. Februar 2011

Characterisation Emiko

Amy is a seventeen-year-old Japanese girl, who lives with her parents in America. Her real name is Emiko, but in school she is called Amy.
She has an older brother, Hideo, who is not still living a his parents' house. He lives together with his girlfriend.

Amy respects her parents very much. You can see it on page 15 in lines 21-22. When she got home too late, “her mouth went dry an fear tingled all through her”
Amy does not like how her parents treat her. In her opinion, they behave as she was a little girl. “I'm seventeen! What parents stay up until two o' clock waiting for their grown daughter to come home?” (p.16 ll. 7-9) In her thoughts you can see very clear, that she wants more freedom.
Amy has a boyfriend. His name is Adam. He is a Japanese boy, going in the same class as she does.
But her parents do not like him. They want Amy to have a Japanese boyfriend and not an American. Amy loves him very much. Her parents told her not to meet him any more, because she was too late home, an then “her throat tightened and tears sprang to her eyes”
There you can see that Adam means a lot to her, and that she does not want not to see him for even one day.

So all in all, Emiko is a girl, who loves her boyfriend very much, and her parents as well. But a girl, who is unhappy with her parents, because they threat her like she was twelve.
She does not like to be the centre of attention.

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